Engineering & Permitting Services
PRDEI has extensive experience in the Tahoe Basin, which includes working relationships with the TRPA, USFS, CTC, LRWQCB, County(s), and other local agencies. We have performed numerous civil engineering projects, including roadway design, subdivision layout/design, stormwater/water quality, pervious paving, Caltrans compliance/permitting, sewer/utility infrastructure, commercial property circulation and parking, hydrology, environmental restoration/revegetation, seismic/structural, and all aspects of permitting (TRPA, Caltrans, CEQA, NEPA, NPDES, CBC).
New for 2023 we are offering biological services for fish habitat monitoring, restoration, and delineation.
Projects in the Tahoe Basin require high levels of coordination. We have facilitated and participated in numerous Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings and understand the Environmental Improvement Project (EIP) process and the Stormwater Quality Investigative Committee (SWQIC) requirements. We have successfully navigated this process with commercial, municipal, and agency clients. Detailed knowledge of the permit and entitlement process makes us better designers and construction managers for Lake Tahoe Projects. We can convey the requirements of the plans and specifications and explain why they are important or needed. Our local knowledge helps us anticipate and resolve issues more efficiently.

Construction Management Services
We provide a complete tracking system of progress verification to assist in payment procedures, as well as direct oversight including measurement, and special inspections. Our team works hard to ensure the contractor remains on schedule and uses the correct materials and methods in compliance with the project specifications. Whether it is one of our designs or that of another design firm, we are capable of reviewing plans and specifications; performing build-ability and bid-ability reviews; conducting pre-bid, bid and pre-construction meetings and/or seeing the project through to close-out.
We often take projects from idea to reality and shepherd the project through design, permitting, and construction. Understanding both the design side and construction side is critical to deliver successful projects in and around the Lake Tahoe Basin. Our engineering design experience makes us better construction managers and our construction management experience improves our designs and bid packages.